White Cane Awareness Day – 2024

October 15, 2024

A fantastic day and turnout for our White Cane Awareness Day celebration. FOCB students, staff, and visitors marched up Congress Avenue with our local police force for protection, to bring awareness to drivers and everyone about the national White Cane Law & Equal Access Law! Palm Beach County Commissioner, Michael Barnett, joined us in celebration and presented FOCB with a beautiful Proclamation.

Our many wonderful visitors included Virginia Savietto from Commissioner Greg Weiss’s office, Wendy Savona from 211, Lou Ferri of Palm Tran, Ted Goodenough (President of Guide Dogs of the Palm Beaches), Stephanie Soplop from the City of Boynton Beach office, the local Braille Club and so many others. A big THANK YOU to everyone who came out to celebrate with us at FOCB! Together we can make the streets safer and raise awareness about the laws!